Big things start with a simple dreams. Steve Jobs was one who had a simple dream: To make a computer. Steve did not go on just to make a computer, he went on to revolutionize the personal computer.
In 1976, Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak, founded Apple. Despite an age gap of five years, Jobs and Wozniak continued to work well together, continuing to expand Apple. Jobs later lured John Sculley away from Pepsi Cola to serve as Apple's CEO saying, "
Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water to children, or do you want a chance to change the world?"
Apple started off with the Superbowl television commercial '1984' before moving on to introduced the Macintosh. And found another company NeXT computer which evolved into Mac OS X. Under Steve job's guidance, the iMac, iPod and digital music softwares like the iTunes and iStore was introduced. Well, he didnt stop at there. Steve jobs lead apple into the cellular phone business with the introduction of iPhone.
'Ten years ago, when Jobs retook the reins at Apple, the suggestion that the company would be where it is today would have seemed a fantasy—or a joke. Apple was bleeding cash, bleeding talent, bleeding credibility. Its laptops were literally bursting into flames. Its war with Microsoft had devolved into a self-lacerating pathology. Today the Mac is, albeit slowly, gaining ground on Windows. And the iPod, which in less than six years has sold north of 100 million units, has Microsoft choking on its dust'. - http://nymag.com/news/features/33524/
I would say that Steve Jobs is admired for his salesmanship. His aggressive personality allowed him to venture far into in the market. Which from time to time proved to be successful. His power and influence over the world’s consumer marketplace has brought listening to music, personal computing and cell- phone technology to a whole new level pushing companies like Microsoft and Sony to improve on their ideas to keep up with the trend.
Here are some articles about Steve Jobs and Apple here -